General Convention Tables Resolution

General Convention Tables Resolution

Dallas, TX

“In 1895, the women succeeded in getting the General Convention in Dallas to consider a petition to recognize the NBA as an official agency of the church, only to have a hostile majority table the resolution.”

“The sarcasm she (Mrs. Younkin) confronted in Dallas grew partly out of opposition to establishing a national organization separate from the church, but the fact that Younkin was a female unquestionably sharpened the hostility of her opponents. According to the association’s magazine, ‘elders, ministers, and convention managers, who saw no place for a woman in the program of the church,’ battled her again and again. Friendless at its birth and born in weakness and obscurity, ‘the beginning of NBA owed far more to the tenacity of these women who battled considerable odds than it did to enthusiastic recognition from Christian congregations across the country.” –Leo Ashby (Inasmuch, p30.)