James Mohorter Dies
June 1929

James Mohorter Dies

St. Louis, MO

“For 23 years, this ministry of benevolence among our people and the life of James H. Mohorter have been one. You cannot think of its growth in the hearts of our people during this period without associating it with the life and work of our late General Secretary.” –Lee Grant, long-time Association treasurer

“When J.H. Mohorter died at his desk, NBA and the denomination he loved had taken new shape and increased stature because of his labor… There was no sham or professional hype in Mohorter’s concern for the needy. His understanding of the needs of the destitute and his personal compassion for them was like that of Mattie Younkin; that is, it had always been essential to whom he was as a person of faith…”

“His family was dogged by tragedy…” In his valedictory address on “Christian Socialism” at Hiram College, he affirmed that “all people were one—regardless of station or circumstances; for that reason, every Christian was responsible for caring for the less fortunate. It was a philosophical affirmation of the gospel of ‘Inasmuch…’” (Inasmuch, p57-58.)