Cindy Dougherty Serves as NBA President (1996-2005)
July 1996

Cindy Dougherty Serves as NBA President (1996-2005)

St. Louis, MO

Upon Rick Lance’s retirement, Cindy Dougherty was elected as NBA President and began serving in July 1996. Dougherty previously served at Chapman University, as Vice President of Enrollment and Student Life, Vice Provost, and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, and at Phillips University as Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid. A lifetime Disciple, Dougherty earned degrees from Phillips University and the University of Oklahoma.

“I see the National Benevolent Association as one way the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) puts a face with their extended hand of Christ…The NBA acts out Jesus’ teachings with their daily caretaking of thousands of people.” –Cindy Dougherty, Former NBA President (NBA Bugle, December 1995.)