NBA Helps Collect Racial/Ethnic Ministry Histories

NBA Helps Collect Racial/Ethnic Ministry Histories

In 1969, the National Christian Missionary Society merged with other general Disciples organizations, and the National Convocation was created as part of the merger agreement. The National Christian Missionary Society is celebrating 100 years in 2017! 

In 1979, American Asian Disciples (later changing its name to North American Pacific/Asian Disciples (NAPAD)) was formally acknowledged as a racial-ethnic ministry, recognized by the General Board in 1984.

In 1992, the Central Pastoral Office on Hispanic Ministries, also known as Obra Hispana, was established as an independent organization within the general church.

(Disciples.org, Rev. Sandhya Jha, Room at the Table, p103-04.)

As part of NBA’s commitment to anti-racism and pro-reconciliation, during this era NBA led an effort to collect the histories of, and in collaboration with, these three Disciples racial/ethnic ministries. Traveling banners and other materials were created to honor the histories of these constituencies and their connections with the NBA. These histories are now kept and housed with the three ministries. View the collection of photo descriptions and chronology in this resource, Celebrating Our Different Journeys >>